Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Do not be discouraged

There are people in life you learn to respect, possibly because of their senority over you and also sometimes because of your relationship with that particular person.

For instance, say you have known someone for a very long time, and knew that he/she was raised in a Christian household and because of your relationship with them you automatically assume that this person loves God, you have always thought of this person as a true Christian. But when you actually start paying attention to this person's lifestyle, maybe this person doesn't seem to really "Seek God" after all.

If this happened to me, It would bring me down alot. If it were someone who I respected, I would be heartbroken to find out that they didn't actually "Seek God" or even have the faith they've always seemed to have.

Nomatter the circumstances, wether it was intentional or not, you should never let anyone bring you down. So if someone ever disappoints you, maybe because of their lack of faith? Maybe something else, don't let it bring you down. Just think, It is yet another great opportunity to witness, and better serve our Lord.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9


BrownEyedGirl said...

This is really hard sometimes because people can be so human. There is a song that is probably old now which says something about....Don't look at me, if your looking for perfection. Don't look at me, I'll only let you down.
You are an encouragment! Keep blogging!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I came by this because today I really need it. Like Joy said you're a great spirit. Hope you do keep blogging! (:

Anonymous said...

Just popping in to say nice site.