Sunday, April 05, 2009
Just thinking (about consistency in its relation to exclusivity/having a focused concentration)
1) We will be very effective in prayer if we pray throughout the day - if we pray with consistency.
2) Our prayer life will be more effective, still, if we set aside time to pray with no distractions.
Here's how I understand it...
When I am in the process of trying to memorize lines for drama, sometimes I try and memorize them while I am on the go. When I'm driving, for instance, I will try and recite my lines and remember them. In memorizing my lines, this kind of consistency is very important. BUT when I set aside the time to memorize and practice my lines in my room with no distractions, I get it done so much quicker and I even begin to act out my role, not just know the lines. It is so helpful to be reciting my lines throughout the day, but setting aside time to memorize lines is so much more effective, and it makes the times I recite in the car to be much more effective as well.
Now here's the kick to my stomache that got me today:
When I'm driving, I pray alot. And when I'm on facebook, sometimes I will pray. I am pretty consistent in praying throughout my day, and I'm sure that is a great thing and all, but how more effective could my prayer life be if I would simply set aside time to pray without distractions? Only when you seclude yourself from the world and come before God with NOTHING ELSE on your schedule for that particular moment will you find the necessity of focused and concentrated prayer. You will also find the uncomfortable convictions of the heart and challenging of the Spirit.
Remind me, if you know, the man who once said "I begin my day in prayer for TWO hours except for the days that I am extremely busy, in that case, I begin my day in prayer for THREE hours."
I do not feel that any more needs to be said. Be challenged today. Pray to the Lord with me.
Don't forget...
1) We will be very effective in prayer if we pray throughout the day - if we pray with consistency.
2) Our prayer life will be more effective, still, if we set aside time to pray with no distractions.
Digging deeper
I'm being redundant in this statement on purpose: "having a focused cocentration." There's a difference (in my mind) between having a focus and having a focused concentration.
Having a focus: I find to be setting aside the time to pray, focusing your time to pray and not to be distracted while you are praying.
Having a focused concentration: This means, to me, to focus on more than just being in 'prayer mode.' It means to focus (1) on your prayer and (2) on the intentions of your heart in praying.
(For instance: When you ask God to give you a good day, what is your intent? What do you expect? Do you assume that God will answer your prayer by making your day comfortable for you? Do you assume that God would answer your prayer by helping His will to be done in you - no matter how painful it is for you? In having a focused concentration, you will acknowledge the actual prayer that you pray, and the intentions of your heart in praying it.)
Just thinking (about revolution)
Let me give you a word of encouragement and inspiration about it.
REVOLUTION is not the 'product' of believers becoming Christ-Like; it is the 'process' of believers becoming Christ like.
For example...
The 'great awakening' was not a product of a multitude of people who came to an active framework in their lives that fit the description of what they perceived to be Biblical or upright living. In fact, the 'great awakening' was not a change in the hearts of Christians at all...
...sin was the change in the hearts of Christians. The great awakening was when their hearts returned to the UNchanging gospel. The love, acceptance and convictions of God.
REVOLUTION is not when our hearts will change. Rather, SIN is when our hearts change.
REVOLUTION is the turning back of our lives to Christ.
What have we been doing all this time?
What, still, are we waiting for?
Awake! whoever you are! today!
Read the Word - pray sincerely!
Awake! Awake! Awake!
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Just thinking (about living as God desires us to live)
What am I trying to say?
- Our efforts are equally important to the Holy Spirit's efforts in our living as God desires us to live: totally for the will of God.
- The way in which we ought to be living for God is to be in a mutual relationship with God where-in our efforts are put forth and God, through the Holy Spirit, makes something great of them.
Here's how I understand it...
Firstly, let me say that it is God's power through Jesus Christ which has made the connection between man and God possible. I affirm that nothing but the power of God in the life of Christ Jesus makes true salvation an option for us. Now that the foundation is laid – now that salvation is something to be grasped (because of Christ) - my question becomes: What, if anything, is primary to God's will being done in our lives? What needs to happen for Him to be pleased with us? Is this a possible feat?
God is able to cause us to do His will, but He decides to let us choose Him instead. Since God's desire for our lives is not forced upon us, two things are absolutely essential in order for you and me to be so transformed as to live as God desires us to live (in order for His will to be done in our lives): 1. We need to do our part. 2. God needs to do His part in us through the Holy Spirit.
(1) ‘Our part’ is to KNOW the ways in which God wants us to live and to DISCIPLINE ourselves to live in those ways.
(2) ‘God's part’, through the Holy Spirit, is to help us to live in such a way so as for His will to be done in our lives.
Some people focus primarily on our actions and disciplines and devotion to Christ and His way of life. They find that God will not let us ‘be tempted beyond what we can bear.’ This kind of thinker is stricter about the everyday decisions and actions, saying that these things are too easily ‘overlooked’ and taken too lightly. They are often misunderstood to be heavily judgmental of Christians and non-Christians because their primary belief is to become like Christ, not letting anything to get in the way or become a hindrance to them in this vision.
Some people focus primarily on how God should be helping us to do His will. They see that God promises to help us become and remain righteous and they hold Him somewhat responsible for our lifestyles. This kind of thinker is seen as more easy-going and welcoming of all people from all different lifestyles. They are very active in sharing the love of Christ and claiming it for their own lives. They openly admit their imperfection and claim that they will probably never be perfect while on Earth. They are often misunderstood as rebellious and anti-church.
I’m sure you can imagine the conflict these two kinds of people have. Let me explain how both of these viewpoints hold truth in them, but are, perhaps, missing out on the whole truth. Our part (as explained by #1) is just as important as God's part (as explained by #2).
If I had a broken chair, I would use tools to fix that chair. The tools and I are equally important. The tools aren't as smart as me, or as powerful as I am, but without the tools, I am unable to fix my chair. Similarly, God's will is for the world to be rid of evil, or ‘fixed’. As we give our lives to Him, we become what He uses for His will to be accomplished on the Earth. We aren’t as powerful as God, as wise as God, or as big as God . . . but His will cannot be accomplished without us. Again, He could always cause us to accept Him, but that is not within His will. He wants us to choose Him.
The first step toward living totally for God’s will is to claim the grace of God which is only by Jesus Christ’s sacrifice. It is important to realize that eternal life starts when you begin to live for God, not when you die. Step two is for us to live in such a way as God desires us to. How is this done? What does this look like? For the will of God to be done in our lives, effort is needed from the Holy Spirit and from us. It is humanly impossible to live a life of holiness, and that is why our and the Holy Spirit’s activity are equally important.
Don't Forget...
Our efforts are equally important to the Holy Spirit's efforts in our living as God desires us to live: totally for the will of God.
The way in which we ought to be living for God is to be in a mutual relationship with God where-in our efforts are put forth and God, through the Holy Spirit, makes something great of them.