Thursday, April 12, 2007

Elimiate the Drain of God's Strength (2)

The principles were taken from a message by James MacDonald, a pastor in Rolling Hills, Illinois.

1. Teacher Principle (2 Timothy 2:1-2)

2. Soldier Principle (2 Timothy 2:3-4)

3. The Athletes Principle (2 Timothy 2:5)

We need to live according to God's rules. Athletes who don't follow the rules are disqualified for the prize. Even if an athlete sets the FASTEST and LONGEST and FARTHEST and GREATEST record, if he was pumped with steroids, everything he did is now worthless.

We know the Ten Commandments, we know the rules. We need to follow them with all of our hearts. Because if we don't give effort, if we don't put our heart into God's WORD, then we will be disqualified for the prize on judgment day, and everything we have done to further the kingdom would then be to no benefit of ours in eternity.

4. Farmer Principle (2 Timothy 2:6)

If you don't feed yourself first, you'll have nothing to give to people! Be faithful to lifting others up in prayer. Be faithful in hearing God's WORD for you at every given day, every given moment even.

The dead sea has INput, but no OUTput. How terrible it would be if a Sea had no INput, but seven OUTputs. The sea would quickly dry up, because of the water flowing into the seven branches. Not only that, but because the sea would be dry, the seven branches off of it would also dry up, because the sea had no water to provide the seven branches with.

If we as Christians have others coming to us for answers, and for the WORD of God, how could we ever keep giving them what they need to hear, if we have no IN-Flow of God's WORD into our own lives? When we fail to give time for God's teaching into our own lives, we will have no WORD from the LORD to provide anybody else with.

Transfer what you learn. Focus on the mission. Follow God's rules. Feed yourself first.

May you all recieve strength from God this day.

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