Wednesday, March 22, 2006

"Once Saved, Always Saved"

"Once saved, always saved" - I have been thinking about this saying, trying to figure out the truth behind it. And wether or not it itself is true or not. I have heard this being taught and the way it was taught was that if you have known God, loved God and truly obeyed His commands, sharing in the Holy Spirit and then fall away, you are still saved.

Well here are my thoughts on it.

I learned on the Camp Neosa Forums that while on earth, we don't experienced salvation but repentance. And if this is true, this saying would make a whole lot of sense! If being "Saved" consisted of entering the gates of heaven, then once saved always saved is correct, I mean once we are in heaven we aren't leaving!

With the way it was being taught, however, they could have said "once repented, always repented"...that's wrong! If a man truly seeks God, loving and obeying His ways and then turns away from God and dies in the condition of one who's turned down God, he will not live in heaven because of his short sacrifice earlier on! For example; Judas, the one who betrayed Jesus. He had seen the light. He literally walked with God himself! Followed Jesus and then he betrayed Him! He turned his back on God. Now he isn't in heaven because he had once walked with God, but he suffers the consequences of the condition his soul was in on the day that he passed away.

Romans 8:38-39 is oftentimes stated on behalf of "Once saved (repented), always saved (repented)" But I think it's meaning does not back this subject at all. It says that nothing can seperate us from God's love, which is true (It IS in the Bible, lol). But "once saved always saved" isn't about God's love for us, it's about our love for God. What I mean is in Romans 8 it says nothing can bring us from God's love, but unfortunately our love for God can often times be distracted, and sometimes it get's too far into worldly things to come back, like Judas. God's love is unending, but a relationship goes two ways, and without our love to God we cannot have a relationship with God, without our end being about God, we can't enter heaven.

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