Monday, February 13, 2006


This is a picture of me at Music camp teaching that boy the guitar. I absalutely loved it! I have never really taught it before, and if so not to a kid! It was so cool seeing how he was growing in this talent God's giving him. I mean after a week of guitar class he learned alot. That might have just been enough to put it in his mind to someday become a worship leader, using this gift to further glorify God.

I love children. This is yet another reason why we should be more Christ-like. I've talked about being like Christ to set an example for other believers, and non-believers, teens, your enemies, and the ones who may hold higher authority than you on this earth. But this is the best part I believe! The Children. Children are so awesome! They don't have everyday stress' like a job or bill's. And when you respect them, they respect you. Most of the time :)

It is amazing and SO awesome when children sing to God. But what is even more awesome is when they truly worship God, when they understand to a point what true worship is, and heartfully sing to God out of love for Him. I watched Katie Bett's sing sunday night, and she wasn't just singing, she was worshipping God! That's what made it so beautiful! Not just the fact that she has been given the gift of a beautiful voice, but the fact that she used the gift God's given her to further Glorify God! (She isn't really a child, but you get the picture, I think you do atleast..?) It is awesome when anybody worships God, don't get me wrong. But hearing the children, or youth for that matter, worship the Lord is so amazing.

It's our place to once again, set the example. Be MORE like Christ. Show children how awesome God is! Don't let them think of God as boring - which may come across to them in church. Be lively! God loves you tremendously, show it! Most of all, pray for our youth. That Just maybe this next generation will be closer to God then this one. Maybe they will say the same as I am saying now and coninue praying for those generations to come. But it once again starts with you and me in everyday life, simply showing off what we have found. God's Mercy and love.

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