Friday, January 20, 2006

Just Live

You know when we tend to give into temptation, we may be comforted at the fact that it is expected of us, being human. It’s sad that it is expected of us to give into temptation so easily. If we are expected to give into temptation why don't we go the opposite way and refuse the devil?
Why is it so easy to recognize sin, and even then is so easy to commit?
Why is it so hard to recognize the will of God, and is so hard to follow?

This world brings so much disaster, so much grief and problem. But did you know that that is still no excuse for losing your temper? That is still no excuse for swearing, or even for being mean or rude to someone. Being human or even being within this world is no excuse for sin. Jesus also was human and He also has walked on earth, look at what's he's done! If you believe that life was any easier for Jesus because He was God's Son, then you need to start thinking again

It had to of been harder for Christ then us, to overcome the devil, to live for His Father. Our souls mean nothing to the devil compared to Christ' soul! Satan knew the Scriptures, which means he knew Jesus would one day be the ultimate sacrifice that many may be saved! This must have only added to the flames, satan didn't want this to happen, and did everything in his power to stop it, but as we see, it didn't work. And because It didn't, because Jesus even still didn't give into temptation, being human is no excuse for sin.

If one is living life for God then they have such a meaning in life! But if one is not living for God, then there is no point in life, no meaning what-soever! One cannot ever live in happiness on earth or even do good on earth without God in their lives, for God is good.

If we were set on this earth to love our Heavenly Father, and decide not to love Him, then whats the point in being here? I'm not saying those who don’t have God in their lives should die, I'm saying those who don't have God in their lives should live!

Jesus has offered salvation as a free gift, He has offered grace as a free gift. He has offered heaven and life as a free gift! Take it or leave it, its up to you.

And If one decides to continue to reject God, (continuing in one's ways, knowing the riches one will have lost in heaven, knowing what one will have received in hell) "One" must be a fool!

" 'For I know the plans I have for you.' declares the Lord. 'Plans to prosper you, and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.' " Jeremiah 29:11

If you have received Christ as your savior already, then congratulations! But it doesn't stop there. God has a plan for your life, a perfect plan. That as long as you follow His will, nothing will bring you down, you will be untouchable!
(Psalm 125:1-2 For the Lord's people are like mount. Zion, which cannot be shaken but endure forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people. Both now and forevermore.)

Not only does the one true God love you and me, not only does the creator of heaven and earth have a perfect plan for you and me, it goes even further! Listen to the next verse in Jeremiah.

"Then you will call upon me, and will come and pray to me. And I will listen." Jeremiah 29:12

God also promises to listen to your prayers, YOUR prayers! In this verse, He didn't mean "you" as in everyone in general, He means everyone individually! Although He is of so much more power and authority than we will ever have, He will listen. Although He know's what has gone on in your day, He wants to hear it from you! Although He knows your troubles and your problems, He wants you to bring them to Him. "And He will listen."

" 'You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all of your heart. I will be found by you!' declares the LORD Almighty." Jeremiah 29:13-14a

Seek God" to me means a lot more than just watching and listening for God, and God's will. But to look for ways you can better serve Him, all the time. To be more like Jesus, how can you be more like Jesus? You try your hardest to stop that swearing. Try your hardest to stop treating others badly. You Seek God! Now if you are seeking to truly find God then you will Seek God with all of your heart (All of who and what you are.) Do you worry? Seek God with it, or find ways you can better serve Him with worrying, which would end up not worrying at all, for me, it ends up in prayer. Give it all to God! Seek God.

What is fear?

Proverbs 9:10 says that fear of the Lord is only the beginning of wisdom.

"Fear" in this is meant in a more respectful way, as if you were to see the president, would you not be the nicest person to him because of his authority in this nation? Wouldn't you be nervous of saying the wrong thing, or what-not? For at any moment he could call security and have you taken out of his presence. Would you not look nice and smell good, chew trident for good breath wear your nicest watch to impress him? So we should do so for God. Only God has authority over all of mankind, He is above us all, we should fear Him not because He commanded us, but because He is God! He holds the decision of our eternal destination. That alone brings me to fear God

Another kind of fear would be fear as in being scared or frightened. When you are in a crowd with your friends from school, or work or even at home, say they start gossiping, no you should not join in but why stay quiet? Why not stop the gossiping? Would you fear of what they would say? How they would take it? I do at times, when I am in that situation. But in the end I realize that It doesn't matter if they are offended because I stood up and said something. In fact we should expect that as a reaction

We should not fear them for what they may say or how they would react, all that can be done to us is either harm to our earthly body or they can try and bring us down, they cannot touch our soul. Plus they could not bring us down, regarding the scripture in psalms I said earlier (The Lords People are like mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endure forever. Psalm 125:1)

God sets us free from:
  • Fear of temptation - He sent His son into the world to live a perfect life, setting the ultimate example that we may not fear temptation but may take His example, and face temptation.
  • Fear of failure - God has promised us a meaning in life! If only we would humbly live for God. If we are on God’s side, we cannot fail.
  • Fear of rejection - Since God, in all of His authority and glorious majesty, humbles Himself to not only befriend you and me, but promises to take care and watch over us. Who cares if we are rejected by humans, for God, the creator of heaven and earth, is still right here next to us, with open arms!
  • Fear of Humility, and shame - Christ already bore your humility and shame on the cross, and like Jeremiah 29:13 says, if we seek God with our shame and humility, truly give it all to God, it will be eliminated. And if it remains, then you will have the blessing of an opportunity to be persecuted in Christ’ name.
  • Fear of eternal destruction - Jesus Christ paid the debt we could not. He took our place. He was the perfect, ultimate Sacrifice so that we can one day, truly have life. If we accept God’s Grace then we have no reason to fear Hell. For we are going to be with our Lord.

"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." John 8:36

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Do not be discouraged

There are people in life you learn to respect, possibly because of their senority over you and also sometimes because of your relationship with that particular person.

For instance, say you have known someone for a very long time, and knew that he/she was raised in a Christian household and because of your relationship with them you automatically assume that this person loves God, you have always thought of this person as a true Christian. But when you actually start paying attention to this person's lifestyle, maybe this person doesn't seem to really "Seek God" after all.

If this happened to me, It would bring me down alot. If it were someone who I respected, I would be heartbroken to find out that they didn't actually "Seek God" or even have the faith they've always seemed to have.

Nomatter the circumstances, wether it was intentional or not, you should never let anyone bring you down. So if someone ever disappoints you, maybe because of their lack of faith? Maybe something else, don't let it bring you down. Just think, It is yet another great opportunity to witness, and better serve our Lord.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9